TOMEY RT-7000 Autorefractor Keratometer Topographer



The Auto Ref-Topographer RT-7000 is a 3-in-1 hybrid system consisting of an Auto Refractmeter, an Auto Keratometer and a Corneal Topographer. The most remarkable clinical applications of the RT-7000 are the “Tear Stability Analysis System (TSAS)” and the “Fourier Analysis map”. The TSAS interprets the changes of the mire rings’ distortion on an eye opened for 6 seconds as changes of its tear layer status and displays color code maps to illustrate the locations of those changes. On the other hand, the newly implemented “Fourier Analysis map” performs Fourier analysis for refractive powers at individual measurement points obtained by analyzing Mire images within the ø3 mm range and ø6 mm range, and visually and quantitatively displays the constant term (the spherical component), the first order term (the asymmetry component), the second order term (the regular astigmatism component), and the higher order terms (the higher order irregularity).


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